How it works
Before you start
  • You will need to download and open the PocDoc App onto your smartphone, from either the Apple AppStore or Google Play Store.
  • To ensure good blood flow, make sure you are well hydrated. We recommend drinking at least 500ml of water 30 minutes before taking your test.
Step 1 - Get Ready
  1. Drink a large glass of water, 30 minutes before testing
  2. Wash hands with warm water and soap and then dry them
  3. A flat surface will help to lay out the parts of the test kit
  4. Move to a well-lit area
Step 2 - Open the Kit
  1. Place the test kit parts on a flat surface
  2. Check the kit is complete
  3. Open the test chip pack and place the test chip on a flat surface

Step 3 - Wipe your Finger
  1. Choose a finger on the non-dominant hand
  2. Open the alcohol wipe packet and wipe the tip of the finger

Step 4 - Collect your Blood
  1. Open the gauze ready for use
  2. Remove the lancet cap and press the lancet to the tip of the chosen finger
  3. Wipe away the first droplet of blood with the gauze
  4. Squeeze the finger and create a large blood droplet
  5. Pick up the pipette by the tube. DO NOT hold or squeeze the bulb end
  6. Touch the pipette to the droplet to collect the blood  - blood will be drawn up automatically
  7. Repeat this steps until the blood sample reaches the black line on the pipette

Step 5 - Put Blood on the Test
  1. Hold the pipette over the centre of the blood deposit area of the test chip. DO NOT touch the pipette on the deposit area.
  2. Gently squeeze the pipette bulb end until all the blood sample is on the deposit area
  3. With the bulb still squeezed, lift the pipette away from the blood on the deposit area
  4. Press the Start Timer button
Step 6 - Photograph the Test
  1. Line up the test chip inside the on-screen guide
  2. Check there are no shadows or highlights on the test chip
  3. Press the on-screen button to take the photo
  4. Check and submit the photo